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March 24, 2025

The OrangeQS Juice-Enjoying Dragon

It helps optimize his system....

The Quantum Dragon was scrolling down his LinkedIn newsfeed when he discovered Inside Quantum Technology sharing an announcement about OrangeQS Juice—an operating system for quantum computers entering closed beta at Berkeley, Chalmers, and QuTech. Join him in pouring a cold, tall glass for yourself, and then click here.

FORCE Technology logo
Quantum Foundry Copenhagen logo
Sparrow Quantum logo
BioInnovation Institute logo
Danish Quantum Community logo
Invest in Denmark logo


IQT NORDICS is pleased to announce that 6 additional organizations have become sponsors/exhibitors at the third annual Nordics conference and exhibition this coming May 20-22. Force Technology, Quantum Foundry Copenhagen, Sparrow Quantum and BioInnovation Institute are participating under the auspices of the Danish Quantum Community and Invest in Denmark. IQT NORDICS offers a comprehensive program along with lab tours and unforgettable networking options. Additional information can be found at www.iqtevent.com.


The third annual IQT Nordics takes place May 20-22 in Gothenburg, Sweden at Chalmers University. Significant registration savings are available through 10 April. The speaker program is now available at www.iqtevent.com. The conference offers several unique networking opportunities as well as tours of local quantum computer labs (space is limited for these tours – register now).

Right now, I am the only one who doesn’t understand quantum mechanics. In about 7 days, all of you will be unable to understand quantum mechanics.

I don’t get it.

This tweet names neither the professor nor the university, but if I were suddenly required to take a formal course, I’d want to register for this one. These 61 seconds of video don’t guarantee that the rest of the class will be interesting, but it’s more promising than a boring start. This link might require a Twitter account.

you can store a single quantum bit for one entire second

Quantum Hard Drives

I’m not critiquing any of the science here; I’m merely applauding the novel use of another classical technology term. We’ve already got QPU from CPU and GPU, as well as QRAM from RAM, so why not refer to quantum information storage as a quantum hard drive? This link might require a Twitter account.

“To me, my [QML].”

Dr. Javier Mancilla Montero invoked Professor X for the sole purpose of getting into this newsletter. I concede the possibility — however remote it may be — that he’s making a point about QML and this newsletter is irrelevant, but if I don’t ask him, he can’t burst my delusional bubble. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Come with me if you want to live….

So, what’s new in quantum computing? Prof. Michael Biercuk shared a couple of screenshots showing two LinkedIn accounts posting identical AI-generated content. I don’t know when Skynet became self-aware, but to paraphrase Kent Brockman, I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Quantum Fiery Voices: Jack Krupansky

For aiding and abetting The Quantum Dragon’s relentless assault, I hereby recognize Jack Krupansky as one of his Quantum Fiery Voices.

Open Cat Platform?

This post by the Quantum Security and Defense Working Group is rather formal and serious, but its AI-generated illustration sure isn’t. Well, I guess the cat looks a little bit serious. In fact, it looks a little concerned, quite frankly, perhaps a little bit worried. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

How to Draw a Cat with 6 Qubits

This article by Yuichiro Minato of blueqat is not terribly detailed, but it’s about quantum art, so I am obligated by the by-laws of The Quantum Dragon to include it. Besides, it can be a lot of fun to look at vague articles such as this and try to figure out how it may have been done.

I vote in the affirmative.

Dr. Bob Sutor didn’t set this post up to be a poll, but if he had, I’d have voted “yes,” “agree,” or whatever the closest option to those would be. I am amazed and astounded by how many people in this field make public claims that they know full well will be rejected by their peers. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Quantum Snake Oil

The Quantum Security and Defense Working Group makes the cut again with a “snake oil” reference. This post is promoting an upcoming talk, not characterizing the talk as “snake oil,” by Jose Pizarro and Dr. Christopher Vasko from the European Space Agency (ESA). This link might require a LinkedIn account.

I like his style.

With one exception, I don’t pay attention to anything with parameterized quantum circuits. However, this article by Steve V., again from the Quantum Security and Defense Working Group, is too well written not to share. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Zapata AI Job Seekers

If you were laid off by Zapata AI and would like a free listing in this newsletter, please reach out and let me know. I’ll maintain a list in The Quantum Dragon until everyone on the list has been gainfully employed elsewhere or is otherwise no longer actively job seeking. I might extend this offer to all job seekers, but I’ll start with these layoffs.

Quantum Noise Detector

Alan Ho and Prof. Michael Biercuk inspired the Resuscitated Quantum Bullshit Detector, but the original(?) has resurfaced on Bluesky. It’s back to reposting a simple “bullshit” or “not bullshit,” so The Quantum Dragon will continue to monitor for challenges, controversies, and debates under this new name from Dr. Bob Sutor.

  • Does Microsoft have topological qubits? Here’s a 6-page critical analysis by Dr. Vincent Mourik and colleague. (LinkedIn)
  • Did Microsoft X measure a topological qubit? Prof. Henry Legg sees in the data not one, not two, not even three, but five poop emojis. (Bluesky)
  • Microsoft, Microsoft, and more Microsoft? APS is being accused of bias… and that’s putting it nicely. (LinkedIn)
  • What has Microsoft gotten itself into? According to Dina Genkina of IEEE Spectrum, a “quantraversy”…. (website)

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The Music-Generating Quantum Dragon

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The OG Quantum Dragon

In last week’s edition of The Quantum Dragon, I revealed that Dr. Robert Sutor is the godfather of my first book, Dungeons & Qubits, which featured The Quantum Dragon on its...

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Dragons, pirates, and camels… oh, my!

It’s an honor for The Quantum Dragon to be recommended by the well-read Brian Lenahan, and even more so in such a small group. Fun facts: The Quantum Dragon is actually Sergio...

February 24, 2025

Even The Quantum Dragon Can Burn

Jack Krupansky breathed fire on IBM last weekend. It burned so hot that even The Quantum Dragon checked into the nearest Emergency Room. The doctor prescribed liberal application...

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